A scripture reflection on Proverbs 21:1-3
Proverbs 21:1-3 is a short and sweet passage but gives us a lot of food for thought. At the core of this passage there is a heart. Our heart. In the hands of God a heart is safe and secure. Even if the heart’s desires and dreams change course, it is God’s hand directing it. However, it can be hard to give our heart to someone. If you have ever been dumped by a past boyfriend or girlfriend you know how crushing it can be to have your heart rejected. It is easier to safeguard ourselves, not to invest in a relationship with God, and simply go through the motions. A very well known secret today is that we can look and act like Christians even if our heart is not in it. Yet, this passage reveals that is not God’s desire for us. He doesn’t want us to go through the motions. He doesn’t even desire us to make some noble sacrifice. He wants our hearts. Give the Lord all that you have today.

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