A reflection on John 3:16


Arguably the most famous scripture verse in the entire bible; John 3:16 is a verse we should all be familiar with. Why? This single verse is the gospel within the Gospels. If we could sum up the Good News it would simply be this: “That God so loved the world that he sent His only begotten Son so that anyone who believed in him may not perish but have eternal life” (Jn 3:16). That is the good news! Pure and simple.


Maybe you’ve heard this verse before, but when was the last time you let the weight of this verse sink into your heart? If we began to really accept and believe that God loves us, that we have a new life in Christ, how would our lives be different? Would our stress be so stressing? Our misery so miserable? Would our prayer be taxing or life-giving? The Father’s love is transforming, redeeming and healing. Take a moment to let the truth of this verse sink in.
We have a God who sees us. A God who knows us. A God who loves us. A God who gave his only Son so that we can have eternal life. Jesus proves that we don’t have to settle for the ways of this world. We don’t have to fear and worry about anything. God is for us! God LOVES us! Breathe and rejoice in this mystery today.

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