Naps and Snacks

“I’m tired.” It’s been the phrase of the summer. In the past 8 weeks I’ve moved across the country, started serving the underprivileged in the inner-city, bought a house, traveled well…

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From Suburban to Urban

For those who haven’t heard the news, my family and I are making a move. After 6 years serving as a youth minister in Houston and 10 years in parish ministry,…

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One & Only: Psalm 16:2

A scripture reflection on Psalm 16:2 Psalm 16:2: One verse, fourteen words but an infinite amount for us to chew and reflect on. How many of us would be so bold…

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God With Us: Isaiah 52:7

  A scripture reflection on Isaiah 52:7 In this passage, the prophet Isaiah is speaking to the Israelites about their freedom from exile in Babylon and their entrance back into Zion,…

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Come and See: John 1:35-51

A scripture reflection on John 1:35-51 In John’s account, John the Baptist instigates the calling of the twelve apostles. At the sight of Christ, John simply says, “Behold, the Lamb of…

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