A scripture reflection on Hebrews 12:2

This verse describing Jesus as one worthy of imitation is in the midst of an analogy comparing the Christian life to a footrace. Like a good athlete who pushes through the pain and obstacles to reach the finish line, we must face our share of difficulties in this life in order to reach our final destination. Jesus won the final victory- he is seated at the right hand of God in heaven – but how did he get there? He endured the cross. Indeed, Jesus pioneered the Christian life for us, showing us how to attain heaven. If we are to follow Jesus, we must expect hardship. When we are serving him, we should expect heartache and humiliation, pain and persecutions. Jesus himself suffered abandonment by his closest friends, mocking and disrespect, humiliation, and finally a horribly painful death.  But His love for us and the joy of spending eternity with us gave him the motivation to endure. Will we endure for love of Christ?  And can we count it as a joy when we experience suffering in our lives? Today let us pray: God, please give me the grace to accept my sufferings, great or small, with joy, and to endure them for love of you. Amen.

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