A reflection on Luke 19:1-10

Have you ever felt as if you needed to ascend to a level of perfection before you could personally encounter God? Maybe you’ve said something like, “if only I was holier then…fill in the blank? Yet, in this scripture, Jesus shows us that isn’t necessarily the case.

Zacchaeus and Jesus; they couldn’t be more different, could they? The former was a tax collector – a crook, traitor and all around bad dude. The latter, well, He’s God. And that is what makes this story so special. Jesus, though seen as scandalous by the religious authorities of His time, calls out to the sinner. Jesus invited Zacchaeus into conversation and relationship and ultimately brings restoration to a weary and lost soul.  The question for us today is, do we think Jesus can do the same for you and for me?

The truth is, Jesus extends the same invitation to us today that he did to Zacchaeus all those years ago. We may not be physically up in a tree (or maybe you are, who knows) but Jesus sees us right where we are. He knows our hopes and dreams. He sees our insecurities, our mess and our sin. He knows our own hearts better than we do. And seeing the good, the bad and the ugly, he invites us into relationship nonetheless.  

Yes, it is good to try to better ourselves and set ourselves to disciplines that will align our hearts with God, but this scripture passage reminds us that we have a God who comes to us. He is the initiator, the first mover and giver of all good things. Remember as you go to prayer this day hoping to encounter God, that God is also desiring to encounter you.

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