For those who haven’t heard the news, my family and I are making a move. After 6 years serving as a youth minister in Houston and 10 years in parish ministry, my wife and I have discerned that it was time for a change. And, to be honest, I’m a little scared.

Starting next week, I will be serving with Dirty Vagabond Ministries; a ministry that lives, loves and serves in inner-cities around the country.

Let me be clear about one thing: we really like our current life in Texas. I work at an incredible parish with driven co-workers. Our kids are zoned to great schools. We have family and good friends near by. We really love Houston (minus the humidity, of course). And when my wife and I started discerning this opportunity to serve the poor and underserved, I don’t know if I could have predicted this outcome. I didn’t grow up in the inner city, but maybe you can tell by the everything about me! My V-neck sweaters, khaki pants and argyle socks don’t scream urban minister, and yet, that is where I’m headed.

There were so many reasons to stay; that would have been the convenient, easy thing to do. But as my wife and I prayed, discussed and prayed some more, we came to understand that God hasn’t called to an easy life, but a bold one.

So, I’m writing this blog to let you know where we are at, where we are headed and what God is doing in our lives. Now, I know that I am the proud and humble owner of the most inconsistent blog on the internet. However, with this move and the changes that are on the horizon, I’ve been convicted to take writing and social media a bit more seriously. And there are a few reasons for this:

1) I’m hoping this blog will be a fun and convenient way to keep people updated on my life. The sad reality is I cannot text and call everyone to give them an update on the Franks. In the last 10 years I’ve lived in 4 states, and I’ve traveled, given talks and participated in ministries in over 30 others. I’ve made some good friends and met some great people over the years. Even though we may be miles apart, I do want to stay in touch; hopefully this blog can shrink the distance between us a bit as I keep you in the loop with me and my family.

2) I’ll also use this space from time to time to share about Dirty Vagabond Ministries. I’m really excited about all that God is doing and will continue to do through this ministry and its missionaries. We are constantly blasted and bombarded with everything that is wrong with this world; maybe this blog can be a little beacon of light that shines on the positive things that are happening in some unlikely places.

3) Lastly, though this transition from suburban to urban ministry is just starting, I believe God has already begun teaching me a few lessons that I need to know. I want this blog to be a place where I can process, share and hopefully even discuss some of what God is teaching me through experiences, adventures and prayer.

So, there you have it. I have no idea how all of this is going to end up but I’m excited to find out. If you’re the praying type, please keep my family and I in your prayers during this time as transitions are never easy. And know that you’ll be in ours as well. Until next time…

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Alex

    You’re going to do good things. Really proud of you guys.

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