A scripture reflection on Isaiah 52:7

In this passage, the prophet Isaiah is speaking to the Israelites about their freedom from exile in Babylon and their entrance back into Zion, the seat of their Temple. For the Israelites, the Temple is where God dwelt among them, in a special room called the Holy of Holies. Returning to rebuild the Temple is a big deal! It’s the best news the Israelites have heard in 70 years! “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news….” not only refers to the good news that the Israelites have been brought back to their home and to their God, but prophesies the good news of salvation that the Messiah will bring. In the same chapter, Isaiah goes on to prophesy about a suffering servant who comes to redeem Israel.

Imagine the Israelites’ elation when they were allowed to return to the Promised Land to rebuild the Temple and once again be able to access their God, to have God dwell among them! However, God’s plan was never to simply remain in the Temple. He wanted walk among us, speak with us, and touch us with His love.

When Jesus died on the cross, the veil in the Temple that separated the Holy of Holies, God’s dwelling place, from the rest of the world, tore in two! Christ, the bearer of good news prophesied by Isaiah, is the fulfillment of that promise of God’s presence among His people. Because of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, God dwells within our hearts, rather than in one geographical location! He is truly with us always, until the end of the age! What can you do today to recall God’s presence within you?

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